E-mehari, le depart.

E-mehari, le depart.

E-mehari, le depart.
E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart. E-mehari, le depart.

E-mehari, le depart.

Geplaatst op 9-1-2021 door
Upon an initial customer request, can it be done?
First of all we tried to disassemble the Norev Mehari and repaint every section manually into the needed color.
This is an option, only it is simply a lot of work.
The black detail drawing should come from a decal, simply beause it is too tiny to do manually.
After that we verified if we could do all with some decals. Answer: no!
In the end only the red and blue secgion have been done by decal including all black parts/figures. The rest is done by manual paintjob.
After a lot of patience, cutting, sticking, painting we have come to a small series of this funny version of the Mehari.
#Mehari, #Marpytoys, #E-Mehari, #Castelbajac


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